In the ever-evolving corporate landscape, nurturing employee growth and development is paramount. The Training Management feature, a key component of the HRM Module, serves as the cornerstone for achieving this goal. It provides a structured approach to organizing skill-focused training programs, overseeing associated costs, and assessing improvements in employee job performance.
Training modules act as instructional tools, facilitating the step-by-step teaching of processes and delivering essential factual information to support and educate employees. This system enables organizations to efficiently manage training activities, assign costs, define durations and modes, and maintain a ready list of qualified trainers. With this streamlined approach, organizations can access vital employee information, monitor training progress, and foster a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce, ultimately contributing to the organization’s overall success.
Add-on Purchase Steps
- Navigate to the “Subscription Plan” page.
- Select the “Usage Plan” and locate the Training Module.
- Proceed with the purchase process.
How to Use the Training Add-on
After purchasing the add-on, follow these steps to utilize the Training Management features:
- Access the HRM Module:
- Go to the HRM module and locate the Training Add-on.
- Training List Page:
- On the Training List page, view and manage existing training programs.
- To create a new training program, click the “+” button.
- Enter the following details:
- Select a branch
- Choose the trainer option (Internal or External)
- Specify the training type
- Select the trainer
- Enter the training cost
- Choose the employees
- Set the start and end dates
- Provide a description
- Optionally, generate details using AI.
- On the Training List page, view and manage existing training programs.
- Trainer Page:
- On the Trainer page, you can add new trainers by clicking the “+” button.
- Fill in the following details:
- Select a branch
- Enter the first name and last name
- Provide contact information and email
- Specify expertise
- Add the address
- On the Trainer page, you can add new trainers by clicking the “+” button.
The Training Module within Focal Suite centralizes and simplifies the training management process, allowing super admins, company admins, and employees to efficiently plan, monitor, and evaluate training activities. This leads to a more informed and skilled workforce, enhancing overall organizational performance.