Focal Suite introduces its Movie Show Booking Management Module, a comprehensive solution designed to streamline movie theater operations with effortless efficiency. This specialized module offers a centralized platform where theater managers can seamlessly access movie cast information, customize seating layouts, manage movie shows, and configure system setups.
With an intuitive layout editor, tailored seating arrangements can be effortlessly created to optimize occupancy while ensuring maximum comfort for patrons. Whether managing a small screening room or a large multiplex, Focal Suite empowers users to customize seating arrangements with ease, utilizing a drag-and-drop interface to adapt layouts to specific theater needs. From scheduling showtimes to allocating seating, the platform simplifies movie show management, providing theater owners with the tools needed to stay organized, in control, and deliver exceptional viewing experiences to audiences.
Add-on Purchase Steps
- Start by visiting the “Subscription Plan” page and selecting the relevant “Usage Plan.”
- Purchase the Movie Show Booking System Module.
- Once purchased, find the Movie Show Booking System add-on in the menu.
How to Use the Movie Show Booking System Add-on
After purchasing the add-on, follow these steps:
- Go to the sidebar and locate the Movie Show Booking System add-on.
- You will see four pages:
- Movie Cast: Add and manage movie cast information. You can view, edit, and delete cast details as needed.
- Seating Layouts: Manage seating arrangements with options to add new layouts, and edit or delete existing ones. Click the view button to access the seat arrangement page, where you can arrange seats as required.
- Movie Shows: Add new movie shows by entering the required details. You can also view, edit, and delete shows as needed.
- System Setup: Configure various system settings to tailor the module to your theater’s specific needs.
- Movie Cast: Add and manage movie cast information. You can view, edit, and delete cast details as needed.
So, this is how you can integrate the Movie Show Booking System with Focal Suite and use it efficiently.