The Machine Repair Management Integration offered by Focal Suite presents a comprehensive solution for efficiently overseeing machine repair processes. Through its intuitive dashboard, users gain access to detailed overviews of repair schedules, invoice details, and maintenance reports, facilitating streamlined machine maintenance management. From optimized scheduling and efficient repair request processing to insightful maintenance reports, Focal Suite empowers businesses to minimize downtime and maximize productivity. With transparent billing processes and comprehensive maintenance documentation, this integration ensures financial oversight and promotes accountability, ultimately enhancing workflow efficiency and client satisfaction.
Add-on Purchase Steps
- Start by heading to the “subscription plan” page and select the relevant “usage plan.”
- Purchase the Machine Repair Management Add-On.
How to Use the Machine Repair Management Add-On
After purchasing the add-on, find the Machine Repair Dashboard in the Dashboard column. On the Dashboard, you will see:
- The total number of repair requests.
- The total number of diagnoses.
- A chart representing the diagnosis report.
- A calendar highlighting days with repair requests.
After reviewing the Dashboard, find the Machine Repair Management module in the sidebar. In that module, you will see three pages:
- Machines
- Create new machines.
- View details of existing machines.
- Edit or delete machine details as needed.
- Repair Requests
- Create new repair requests.
- View the list of repair requests, including all required details.
- Diagnosis
- Purchase new parts if any part of the machine is damaged and inspected during diagnosing.
- View invoices from the list provided on this page.
So, this is how you can use the Machine Repair Module in Focal Suite.