
AI Assistant is a sophisticated tool designed to boost your productivity through advanced artificial intelligence. This add-on helps you streamline tasks and work more efficiently. To begin using AI Assistant, add your ChatGPT key in the system settings. You can also add multiple keys for more flexibility.

AI Assistant offers several key benefits:

  • Content Creation: Generates high-quality content that is both informative and engaging.
  • Personalization: Customizes content to suit specific target audiences, ensuring your message is effective.
  • SEO Optimization: Enhances content to improve search engine rankings, driving more traffic to your website.
  • Versatility: Useful for various tasks, from creating tax reports to crafting promotional titles.

Add-On Purchase Steps

  1. Go to the “subscription plan” page.
  2. Choose the relevant “usage plan.”
  3. Purchase the AI Assistant add-on.

How to Use the AI Assistant Add-On

  1. After purchasing the add-on, go to the settings and click on “system settings.”
  2. Locate the “Chat GPT settings” section.
  3. Enter your ChatGPT API keys in the provided fields.
  4. Once the keys are added, you will see the AI Assistant button in relevant modules.
  5. Click on this button to generate content using AI.

Follow these steps to access and use the AI Assistant add-on effectively.